Home / Non Teaching Staff
Non-teaching staff are individuals employed by educational institutions who support daily operations without being involved in classroom instruction. Although the definition can vary from one school to another, non-teaching staff generally include principals and other administrators of schools, supervisors, counsellors, school psychologists, school health personnel, librarians or educational media specialists, curriculum developers, inspectors, education administrators at the local, regional, clerical personnel, building operations and maintenance staff, security personnel, transportation workers and catering staff.
- Every non-teaching staff of the school shall, at all times, maintain a very high standard of integrity, impartiality and devotion to duty having full regard to the high position held by them in the society.
- No non-teaching staff shall behave in a manner, which is improper and unbecoming of a non-teaching staff and derogatory to the prestige of the school.
- Every non-teaching staff member must follow the rules and instructions given by the authorities. This includes being punctual, attending work regularly, completing assigned tasks, and following any other guidelines issued from time to time.
- Absence without leave, overstay after expiry of leave, leaving the Institution without permission from the Head of Institution during working hours, should be avoided.
- Every non-teaching staff shall, to the best of his/ her abilities, perform his/her duties as may be assigned to him /she by the competent authority pertaining to the examinations held at the school.
- It is obligatory for a non-teaching staff to cooperate and assist in carrying out functions relating to educational responsibilities of the school such as assisting the Principal in the admission process, sending of papers to the school authority for Examinations, preparing salary bills, maintaining records and other duties as may be required for smooth running of the School
- Non-teaching staff should support teachers and take part in sports, cultural events, social programs, and trips to help in the overall growth of students.
- Non-teaching staff should always be polite and respectful to everyone in and outside the school.
- They should have good relationships with teachers, students, and other staff to create a friendly environment.
- They should not do anything that creates differences among people based on religion, caste, gender, community, or profession.