Home / Member of Board of Studies

The Board of Studies is an official body that reports to the Academic Committee through the Director or Secretary. Each academic department has its own Board of Studies. It is responsible for handling academic matters such as introducing new activities, updating programs or syllabi, and reviewing academic rules.

What does the Board of Studies do?

The Board of Studies (BoS) oversees the quality of the educational program and serves as a guiding body. It advises the school principal on teaching and examination rules and has the right to approve certain regulations. The BoS also provides guidance to the director of studies on various educational matters. Additionally, it listens to and responds to suggestions from both students and teachers.

What does membership of the Board of Studies entail?

The Board of Studies (BoS) overThe Board of Studies meets at least every quarter. Furthermore, as a member of the BoS, you will spend time on preparing the meetings and keeping yourself updated on developments within the program. sees the quality of the educational program and serves as a guiding body. It advises the school principal on teaching and examination rules and has the right to approve certain regulations. The BoS also provides guidance to the director of studies on various educational matters. Additionally, it listens to and responds to suggestions from both students and teachers.

What does the faculty expect from a member of the Board of Studies?

The faculty expects the BoS to be actively involved and dedicated to improving education. Members should be willing to think about maintaining and enhancing the quality of learning. New ideas and suggestions from BoS members about the program are always welcomed.

What does the faculty look for in a member of the BoS?
  • The faculty seeks proactive and confident BoS members who are open-minded, actively engaged, and passionate about education.Through preparing and actively engaging in meetings as well as cooperating with the other members, a BoS member is capable of constructively contributing to oral and/or written advice that is provided on behalf of the BoS to the Principal (or the educational director, or the director of studies).

• The Guardian members of the BoS are registered for the specific educational program, and it is expected that they obtain good study results. In addition, student members should be able to commit for a year and to attend every meeting.

What is the procedure for being appointed a member of the Board of Studies?

Guardian members are appointed by the Principal of a school for the period of a year, with the possibility of being reappointed for another year. Teacher members are appointed by the Principal for the period of three year, with the possibility of being reappointed for another three year. The Principal sets a broad deadline for those interested to apply for the BoS.

Composition of the Board of Studies

The Board of Studies shall consist of: 

  1. Head of the Organization – Secretary / President.
  2. All Faculties of the Classes.
  3. Two Associate Teachers of the Department by rotation according to seniority.

  4. External Members (a minimum of two) – Co-opted for their expertise and belonging to the concerned profession or industry –in consultation with the Secretary / President
  5. Secretary – appointed by the Head of the Department from within the department.

Powers of the Board of Studies

Evaluation of the current program structure and course curriculum.

  1. Review and update academic rules and teaching standards to match evaluation guidelines. Launch a new program.
  2. Increase of intake in a programme.
  3. Teaching methods, including group discussions, seminars, projects, and other academic topics.
  4. Recommend on improvements on evaluation methodology to Director Evaluation once in a year.

Role of the Board of Studies

  1. To monitor and review the existing programme structures, course syllabi, vis-à-vis programmes of other schools, teaching and evaluation methodology, market requirement, modern trend and update the courses and programmes and make suggestions for amendments, if any.
  2. While making any suggestions, Board of Studies should keep in mind that no compromise has been made with the objectives, vision and mission of the School and also with the education and evaluation methodology and education standards and suggestions to Director (Evaluation & Academic Registration).


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