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Career Guidance & Counseling helps students understand the students’ interest that they have, and how to pursue them. It helps them understand their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to their present course, and lets them know what interest they would be suited for.
Keeping in view the competence, interests, and acquired knowledge of the students, it channels the young trainees to fetch lucrative specialized students’ interest. Various sessions are conducted to evaluate the students based on their class as well as interpersonal skills.
To implement the Career Guidance and Counseling, Committee was formed so as to enable the students to get over their socio-economic differences, linguistic barriers and perspective of being from the rural and urban areas. The Career Guidance and Counseling support that the School offers to its students makes them confident to perform better. Counseling thus addresses both the academic and the career concerns and students’ interest.
Career Guidance and Counseling Committee would help the students with appropriate guidance to establish linkages with the world of work and locate his/her interest. The difference between market demands and personal expectations can be reduced by building confidence and using psychological strategies.
GPS, Howrah has established a separate cell as per norms prescribed to facilitate and manage psychological counseling.
Under the spectrum of Globalization, the role and activity of the GPS, Howrah are drastically changing. Nowadays the role of GPS is not limited to producing good students, but it has to play a vital role in the development of its human beings. So that these resources can contribute to the upliftment of the society and take active participation in the nation-building process.