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Introduction :-
Academics Cell serves the GRACE PUBLIC SCHOOL (faculty as well as students) through strategic planning and coordination of all academics activities. The cell monitors the initiation, execution and completion of all academics activities as per the time-lines of school academics calendar..
Objective :-
The main objective of Academics Cell is to carryout academics planning and to ensure the adherence of uniform and standard academics policies/procedures in all the classes.
Composition :-
Academics cell is headed by Principal who is assisted by a team comprising of two faculty coordinators, one staff officer and three office executives.
Charter of Duties :-
The Academics Cell plays a vital role in both Academic Planning and Academic Monitoring. Its responsibilities are structured into these two key areas:
Academics Planning :
- Preparation of Academics Calendar.
- Formulation of Academics Policies.
- Receiving, processing and maintaining all the records related to the academics program curriculum (syllabus).
- Syllabus Management: Coordinating preparation of syllabus allotment, time-tables.
- Planning of Student Development Program (SDP) to prepare the students for other activity’s drives.
- Issuing necessary guidelines and instructions (by acting as a platform of communication with faculty and the departments) related to academics matters, internal assessment by the faculty.
- Managing Repository of E-resources.
Academics Monitoring :
The Academic Quality Assurance Committee (AQAC), made up of faculty members from different departments, is responsible for overseeing Academic Monitoring. Their main tasks include:
- Screening of various academic documents prepared by faculty/submitted through departments
- Monitoring of departmental activities (like Class and Lab Conduction, Guest Lectures/Webinars, Workshops, etc.) through their respective Coordination Committees;
- Conduction of Review Meetings to monitor progress of syllabus coverage and timely conduction of internal assessments.
- Conduction of feedback of students.
- Annual Academic Audit.
Conclusion :-
The procedures and policies in Academics Cell have evolved since its inception. The rigid implementation of these, time tested and well established policies, is a major strength of our school which keeps our banner high. The functioning of Cell is further strengthened by the close vigil of AQAC. The GRACE PUBLIC SCHOOL, Howrah, West Bengal has a vision to make the school a value driven school leading the students towards beneficial results for humanity.
It works on a mission for providing qualitative education and innovative research oriented activities for the all-round development of the personality of the students.