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Progressive Planning and Evaluation Committee has been formed to chalk out the future plans for the development and progress of the school, and to evaluate the performances of the school in general. The Committee meets periodically to discuss about the strategic plans for the overall development of the School and make an inventory of the suggestions given.

The Progressive Planning Committee, chaired by the Director / President / Secretary of the Institution, oversees the current strategic planning process. The committee’s name and responsibilities change depending on whether the committee is in the process of developing a strategic plan (the Strategic Progressive Planning Committee), or monitoring the plan’s implementation (the SchoolProgressive Planning Committee).

The SchoolProgressive Planning Committee’s membership includes students, staff, faculty (as outlined in faculty legislation), and administrators. The committee expands to include other members as the Strategic Progressive Planning Committee.

The main objective of the school is to achieve academic excellence. The School has several mechanisms in place to plan and evaluate the process and to initiate the required reforms. At the beginning of each year, all departments, committees, clubs, and forums should work with this committee to create their action plans and organize events.

At the beginning of each year, all departments, committees, clubs, and forums should work with this committee to create their action plans and organize events.

The goal of the Progressive Planning Committee is to improve the institutional effectiveness at the unit-level and in the School overall through evaluation and integrated planning to better support student learning and student achievement.

Progressive Planning Committee is the highest participatory governance committee at GPS, Howrah and serves as the constituency recommending body to the Director. This committee is responsible for the planning and oversight of all participatory governance committees that report to Progressive Planning Committee, and is responsible for the review, evaluation and continuous improvement of the participatory governance process, procedures and committee structure. Progressive Planning Committee (PPC) is charged with the overall recommendations that come to the Director / President / Secretary regarding all institutional planning, strategic and focus planning, and all board policies and administrative procedures.

Functions of the Progressive Planning and Evaluation Committee

  • Develop strategic plans to fulfill the school’s needs and improve its facilities and teaching resources as required.
  • Review staff performance through feedback.
  • Ensure decisions made by the Board of Management are implemented and plan for future improvements.

Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Take on the role of the Accreditation Steering Committee as needed during the planning cycle.
  • Review yearly progress on institutional goals.
  • Recommend changes to the vision, mission, values, and Educational Master Plan.
  • Analyze the seven-year planning cycle within the Educational Master Plan review.
  • Assess governance structures and decision-making processes.
  • Keep the Governance Handbook updated and accurate.
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