Home / Advisory Committee
The advisory committee provides input and guidance related to the progress of the Grace Public School (GPS), Howrah. The following committees are included as sub-committees: School development committee and Discipline committee.
- To determine the needs of School and develop a plan of action
- To recommend effective technologies for the teaching and learning.
- To exchange the different educational experiences to face the education problems and obstacles and propose practical solutions.
- To strengthen the professional partnership with other school in order to assess and reform the educational programmes and plan to integrate in practice.
- To contribute in developing future educational plans.
- To provide leadership in curricular and on-curricular activities in the school.
- To plan infrastructure development of the school as per the norms and regulations of statutory bodies.
- To define specific goals and planning to serve the mission.
- To maintain discipline in the school campus, class room.
- Evaluating the goals and objectives of the programme
- Establishing learning competencies for the programme.
- Suggesting programme revisions as needed.
- Evaluating the adequacy of existing school facilities and equipment.
- Advising school personnel on the selection and acquisition of new equipment.
- Assisting in the professional development of the faculty.
- Assisting in promoting and publicizing the program to the community.
- Defining and setting academic standards for the learning programmes concerned.
- Foster interdisciplinary activities within and across departments in the school such as Literary Club, Health Unit, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Learning Management System, etc.
- Inspire and assist the faculty to realize their highest potential for teaching, research, scholarship and service throughout a productive career.
- Encouraging students to take personal responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
- Building positive relationship of mutual respect and mutual support among students, staff and parents.
- To enhance teaching and learning through modern technology.
- Create a climate that encourages and reinforces good behaviour.