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“It is the responsibility of the school to come forward and empower academic institutions so that students get the right opportunities to succeed in the global mainstream. GPS, Howrah is the realization of my personal dream.” Our elegant Grace Public School (GPS), Howrah campus is conducive to serious academics and vibrant extra-curricular activities. It is our constant endeavor to bring to GPS, Howrah, the best in education & environment, as we progress towards accomplishing our vision of being a center of excellence.

As a dream weaver, I encourage you, the bright minds of India’s techno-generation, to dive into the world of technology, push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, and, most importantly, enrich the learning journey of students to help them grow into outstanding individuals. The road to success may be challenging, but always remember—hard work brings the sweetest rewards.

GPS, Howrah is a high-tech, futuristic, numerous Uno school where knowledge reigns supreme. We aim at grooming each child academically, socially and spiritually so that he/she becomes very confident and well balanced citizen of the world. We are proud to be leaders in digital learning, constantly upgrading our technology to offer the best and most advanced platform for our students.

GPS, Howrah has always believed that education can bring about a positive change in the society. This has led us to come up with initiatives like hope for the Future, Women Empowerment for Educational Development and Rural Education Mission. Through these initiatives we hope to leave an indelible mark on the society. We instill the values of creative thinking, confidence building and respecting others values and beliefs and developing a spirit of tolerance. Our students are also thoughtfully trained in Life Skill Education. Education should go beyond just academic achievements—it should be rooted in strong values and ethics that reflect the spirit of our community. After all, true education is not just about intelligence but also about building character.

I am proud of the institute’s direction. The faculty members uphold the highest standards of academic excellence, our staff is highly dedicated and committed, and we have enriched the students’ experience at GPS year-on-year and will continue to do so in the coming years.

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