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The GPS Ethics Committee has been working to increase awareness and dialogue about issues of ethical decision making in academic education. The resources can be used to promote conversations and curricula on ethics issues and have been designed for school students, faculty, staff, and administrators at various stages of their careers. Several of these resources have been designed by the committee to be adapted for your specific population, or your own professional development.


As Student Affairs professionals and scholars, we will work together to build a community that always acts with honesty and fairness in every situation. ractitioners are educated regarding ethics and its potential to shape meaning; solve problems; promote social justice; celebrate the multifaceted nature of diversity; and create common ground where none may exist. The topics of ethics and ethical decision-making are discussed daily by all faculty, staff, and administrators. Ethical decisions made within GPS, our relationship with external organizations, and institutions are transparent and congruent with our values as student affairs practitioners.




To expand knowledge by supporting the values required for collaboration and to ensure implementation of research ethics.

The committee will ensure that all rules, guidelines, and laws are followed. The SECs are responsible for reviewing all research projects involving human subjects at the school.

The ethical review must take place in official meetings with all main reviewers present, and decisions will only be made when enough members are there.

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